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May 5-6, 2025

Get ready for an unforgettable 2-day training experience that will transform your skills and mindset!


Day 1:

You'll dive deep into the fundamentals of your pistol and learn everything you need to know about its operation. Through hands-on experience on the range, you'll build the foundation for safe and effective firearm use.


Day 2:

The highlight of the training—The Troys Gate Experience. You’ll put everything you've learned to the test in a challenging, real-world scenario. We won’t spoil the details, but be prepared for an experience that will push your limits and change your life.


This training will leave you more confident, capable, and ready for anything!

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Survival Communications Crash Course
May 1st, 2025



By request from the hosts of Mountain Readiness - I've put together a one-day crash course on communications focused on setting up off grid communications for novices and seasoned radio amateurs alike. Topics include: 


Understanding Off-Grid Radio Principles

License-free radio options & equipment: Where does it all fit?

Sourcing off-grid power

Antennas for dummies

This is a very different course from the RTO Courses, designed to create a baseline of skill when conventional communications are disrupted. No equipment aside from a solid attitude, notebook and pen are required. This is NOT a ham radio hobbyist course; this is a one-day course on communications. At the conclusion, all students will: 


Understand where CB, FRS/GMRS/MURS and Amateur Radio all fit in the survival equation

Have hands on with equipment setting up a station literally from unboxing to getting it on the air

Each construct an antenna that is theirs to keep from improvised materials

Equipment will be available for purchase on site. 


Land Navigation 101
May 5-7, 2025

Want to ditch the dependence on your phone's GPS and confidently navigate the ‘wild unknown’? This class is designed to help those develop essential navigation skills to find your way home, how to explore safely, and other techniques in the art of “lost proofing.” Students will learn to read topographic maps, how to decipher all uses of a compass, and how to navigate by the sun and stars. You'll gain the ability to plan routes, pinpoint your location, and make informed decisions while venturing off the beaten path. This course is perfect for hikers, backpackers, campers, and anyone who wants to be self-sufficient in the wilderness.


Woodland Walk: Discover Useful Plants & Trees
May 4, 2025

Embark on a captivating 3-hour nature walk and unlock the secrets of the forest! Discover a world of wonders as our expert guide unveils the diverse plant life surrounding us. Learn to identify edible delights, medicinal herbs, soothing smokes, and perilous poisons. Uncover the hidden potential of plants for fire-starting and crafting tools. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and gain invaluable knowledge that will deepen your connection to the wilderness.

Combat Pistol 101

Combat Pistol 101
May 5, 2025

This course covers the basics of Pistol marksmanship, but is not a “basic” course. We will cover the following subjects:


· Weapons Safety & Manipulation


· Combat Mindset


· Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmanship  


· 4-Step Draw and Presentation


· Speed Reload / Tac Reload


· Techniques of Tactical Shooting


· Trigger Control


· Immediate and Remedial Action               


· Physiological Effects of Combat Stressors


· Multiple-target Indexing              


· Strong Hand & Support Hand Shooting         


· Threat identification


· Subconscious Mind & Muscle-Memory 


· Follow Though


· Precision Sight Alignment for Long-Range


· Shooting while Moving


· Care and Cleaning of the Handgun


· Dry-Fire Drills


Again, this is NOT a “basic firearms” course; it is not a “competition shooting” course; it is not a “concealed carry” course. However, these training techniques will help you with both competition and concealed carry. That said, it is geared towards survival on the modern battlefield, using your own pistol and your own gear.


Combat Pistol Carbine
May 6-7, 2025

This course is designed for shooters who truly want to learn the art of combat shooting. Training will focus mainly on “Close Quarters Battle” distances of 50 meters and within. Whether it is a civilian training for home/property defense or a LE/military member wanting to hone combat skills; this course will enlighten all skill levels with hard-learned techniques current taught to SOF operators. Attendees are encouraged to attend the “Combat Pistol 101” course, conducted day prior, if they want to brush up their marksmanship skills before this advanced course.


Carbine Zero Mastery
May 8, 2025

This course covers the basics of Rifle marksmanship, with a focus on “Point Blank Zero” or BZO.


Why is this important? 


We used to cover “Point-Blank Zero” (BZO) at the very start of our Advanced Pistol/Carbine Course. 


All students were supposed to show up with Rifles already zeroed. All would. However, we would still be zeroing our rifles all the way up to lunch. Why? It dawned on us that many people have never been shown how to properly determine their Point Blank Zero, but more importantly, many didn’t know the fundamentals of basic rifle marksmanship. 


Battle Rifle 1
May 9, 2025

You carry a rifle capable of engaging threat targets at 460 meters; but all your training is basically “playing” on the flat range at 7 meters doing failure drills. That’s pistol distances, and your enemy have rifles. Your ammo is good to 400. Your Rifle is good to 400. You’ve got that LPVO or magnifier to identify threats at 400… The only thing lacking here is the “mammal” behind the gun NOT being trained out to 400. Battle Rifle-1 is where we start to fix this.


   This course is designed for shooters who truly want to learn the art of intermediate-range combat shooting. Training will focus mainly on “Battlefield” distances of 50 meters to 300 meters. Whether it is a civilian training for home/property defense or a LE/military member wanting to hone combat skills; this course will enlighten all skill levels with hard-learned techniques current taught to SOF operators. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend the “Carbine Zero Mastery” course, conducted day prior, if they want to ensure their Zero and know their “hold-overs” before attending this intermediate-range course.


Tactical Trauma Care
May 1, 2025

This class has been set at a special rate for attendees of Mountain Readiness Expo 2025!


Tactical Trauma Care is a dynamic tactical trauma class. Consisting of the basic bleeding control class along with emergency patient moves, advanced trauma patient assessment, fracture care and environmental injuries. Class is focused on hands on learning and skill stations. 




Class will consist of the following modules:




Tourniquet use and application, self and buddy application.

Wound packing

Emergency Trauma Bandage Application

Chest Seal Application

Airway Control and NPA placement, including emergency respiratory control

Patient Assessment

Initial Shock treatment 

Patient extrication and movement

Environmental emergencies

Head/Eye injuries

"Boo Boo" care

Care Under Fire

Practical Exercises



This is a hands-on learning environment, class will consist of learning environment inside and outside. This will consist of a stress induced learning environment. 

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